Resources for Media Creation
Introduction for Recorded Sessions and Tutorials
Download this 5-second LAU opening video here and place it at the beginning of all your recorded sessions and tutorials. This will ensure consistent application of the LAU standards in relevant videos.
Free Stock Images
Utilize these websites to download high-resolution, free images:
Video Compression
Learn how to compress your videos with this simple guide.
Faculty Brown Bag Sessions
The CIL is hosting a series of virtual brown bag sessions. Each session, while loosely structured around a theme, is really meant to be a platform where you can share your online teaching successful moments, commiserate over perceived failures, or just tune in to listen while you work through a stack of grading. Now if, for any reason, you missed a session, do not worry, you can still watch it on the corresponding link listed below:
Session 1: Setting up a Course
Session 2: Building an Online Community/Getting to Know Your Students
Dr. Abdul-Nasser Kassar recording an online lecture using the lightboard in the CIL studios