Training Services
Group Meetings & Custom Workshops
CIL organizes group meetings and custom workshops based on faculty’s needs and requests. Inquiries and requests for meetings and/or workshops should be addressed to CIL via email.
Examples of potential workshop topics are listed below, but faculty may provide additional suggestions:
- Converting an Existing Course into Online Delivery
- Designing an Online Course for Meaningful Learning
- Components that Compose an Online Course
- Synchronous versus Asynchronous Delivery: What’s right for me?
- Active Learning Tools in Online Teaching and Learning
- MOOCs, Blended and Online Learning: Combining Conventional and Digital Methods
- e-Learning Strategies and Trends
- Use of Technology in Medical Education
- A Day in the Life of a Blended Learning Student & Faculty through Blackboard
- Designing Interactive Courses on Blackboard
- Fundamentals of Digital Teaching and Learning Using Blackboard
- Student Engagement while Learning Online using Blackboard
- Student Engagement while Learning Online using Free Web Tools
- Online Testing and Assessment
- Virtual Reality in the Education Industry
- Gamification
- The Flipped Classroom
- Multimedia in Teaching and Learning
- How to Apply Basic Digital Design Concept to Effective Digital Presentations
Departmental Meetings
Group meetings include as well presentations to and discussions with faculty on the department level, with input and guidance provided by CIL Faculty Fellows.
In Fall 2020, several meetings were held to support faculty in redesigning their courses for online delivery. You may check out the schedule for more details. This document will be continuously updated for future online delivery support discussion meetings that will be held this semester.
One-on-one Support
The CIL is fully committed to finding convenient solutions for everyone’s needs. We provide guidance and suggestions based on our experience in the field. Our services adapt to each instructor’s demands, which emphasizes the importance we give to prolific communication.
Our team, facilities, and experience are at your disposal. You only need to book via email.
Mr. Amir Raidan assisting Dr. Abbas Tarhini with Wacom recording in the Sarraf Building CIL studio.